Portable Vacuums Canisters, Commercial vacs
Please call us first to ensure stock if you are planning to order online.
We carry various brands such as:
- Air Stream canisters and cordless stick vacs. 5 yr warranty and are a great choice for durability, ease of use and efficiency.
Numatic series. Tough! Made in England. Res or Light-Commercial. Both dry and wet/dry. The well-knowns are Henry, Charles, Hetty.
- SEBO. German Made. Premium quality! The K series are a cut above and are available with or without the well-known ET-1 power roller and your choice of 4 colours. Sebo are only available for In-Store purchases at this time.
- Also available are commercial series, backpacks. Carpet Pro, Sanitaire, Nilfisk and others. Ask us about them!